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About me

I'm Whitney, the woman behind the camera! 


I discovered Boudoir Photography after my divorce, I had just had my daughter and my body and my life just wasnt the same. I was broken, defeated, and I didnt recognize the woman I saw in the mirror. I decided to try out a boudoir shoot for myself, and I absolutely fell in LOVE. I felt like me again, the woman I saw in the images was strong and confident, and she was - B E A U T I F U L -


Boudoir is about seeing yourself in a new light, and starting to see the things that the world sees as beautiful. We, as women are held to a crazy and unrealistic standard in the world. We are strong, beautiful, unique, and bad ass. Our bodies were designed to do so many amazing things, and its important for us to start the healing process. To love ourselves!


I really believe that helping women love themselves, is what I'm meant to do. To empower women who, like myself, look in the mirror and dont recognize that girl staring back at them.  


This is for you. You deserve this, and I'm so thankful to get to walk with you in this process.



"Boudoir is learning to love yourself, exactly the way you are. You are bad ass & unique."


Let's talk

115 W Washington Street

Athens, AL 35611

Tel: 256-698-2317


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